Iain Abernethy: Motobu kata and drills seminar - 29th April 2023

Iain Abernethy: Motobu kata and drills
SATURDAY, 29 APRIL 2023 FROM 12:00-16:00
This seminar will cover the 12 two-person drills of Choki Motobu (1870–1944). Motobu, unlike many of his contemporaries, was of the firm view that karate should remain a functional self-protection system and not aspire to become a modern budo, with an emphasis on exercise and personal development.
His drills are all close-range, direct, take control, limit the enemy’s options and take into account the enemy’s likely actions.
Motobu never founded a style, and these drills can be utilised by karateka of all backgrounds. You will also see a lot of commonality with the methods found in the traditional kata. Iain will also cover Seinipo / Juniho, which is the kata he made to record the methods of Motobu.
Participants will leave the seminar with a working knowledge of Motobu’s drills, his methodology, and have a kata to aid memory and for solo practise.
The seminar will run from midday to 4pm and is co-hosted by Grove Martial Arts and Athena School of Karate.

To book please email mary@athenakarate.com Tickets will be £40 to non-members (or £35 to Grove Martial Arts/Athena Karate students).
Facebook event details - fb.me

Tags:Shotokan, Karate, Batley, Horbury, West Yorkshire